Category : Supportive The 57 UX Principles are grouped under 6 categories (Straightforward/Flowing/Engaging/Distinctive/Supportive/Reliable). Each category describes an aspect of the Zurich User Experience.
Segmentation : Best Practice The Zurich Guidelines are divided into two categories: Uniquely Zurich (principles that are inspired by current projects and initiatives within Zurich and aim to push the user experience further) and Best Practice (principles that cover basic, yet essential guidelines to deliver a good UX experience).
UX Principle number : SU09 The UX Principle number is unique to each principle. It can be used for referencing, listing, etc..
Applicable if you are designing:
Screen A single view or page within a digital product or application.
Product A tangible or digital offering that is designed and developed to fulfill specific user needs or solve problems.
Journey A path or series of steps that a user takes when interacting with a product or service to reach a goal/complete a task.
Ecosystem It refers to the broader context and interconnections surrounding a product or service. It involves the various touchpoints, channels, and interactions that users have with the product, as well as the supporting infrastructure, technologies, and external factors that influence the overall user experience.
What good looks like
GOV.UK website describes the process, and what the user will need to do so they have it on hand in detail.
Bank of Scotland, before starting the application process, tells you how long the process should take and that you might need your mobile phone and ID to confirm your identity.
NatWest's pension site describes what the user will need before they start an application to retire giving complete transparency.
What bad looks like
Metrobank fails to explain who RateSetter are and their connection. It also fails to give requirements from RateSetter.
ZDS Components related to this UX Principle
Related CX Standards
All the categories
Contact us if:
You would like to add good and bad examples related to this principle.
You have some suggestions regarding the UX principle itself.
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